Glebelands Allotments

the home of North Finchley Allotment Society

April 2019

It’s the official start to the growing season, and our rents are now due.  The good news is that for the fourth consecutive year our rents remain unchanged!

Rent is set at £8.45 per pole and water at £2.30 per pole.  Compulsory Society Membership per tenant is  £10 per year. 

10 poles will be £107.50 ground rent/water + £10 membership = £117.50

5 poles will be £53.75 ground rent/water + £10 membership = £63.75

Notices are on the gates reminding everyone that all rents should be received by 10th May.  Graham Street (our Acting Treasurer) reminds us that we may pay by BACS transfer (details are on our invoices) but if anyone would prefer to pay by cash, or cheque, a Committee member will be in the Office (next to the Trading Hut) every Sunday between 12.00 noon and 2.00 pm until Sunday 12th May 2019.

As from the 1st April our water has been switched back on and will remain so until the 30th September.  Please be reminded that whilst hosepipes are permitted on our site, (subject to water company regulations), all plot holders must ensure that auto shut-off, trigger-type guns are fitted to the ends of our hoses.  Hosepipes must be well maintained, without splits or leaks, and must be hand-held at all times and never be left running or unattended.

Most of the plots on site are within 30 meters of a standpipe but we should all be aware that the same standpipe serves several plots and good allotment etiquette dictates that we shouldn’t hog the taps! 

Next month Graham Street is organizing a Seedling Swap so do keep an eye out for posters advertising this event on the gates and on our Facebook Page

Wishing everyone a super start to the season,