Glebelands Allotments

the home of North Finchley Allotment Society

Society Newsletter for April 2018


Dear Plot holders,
As many of you will be aware our dear friend Agnes Wilton (known to many as Agi) passed away in January of this year. Many tributes have been paid to Agnes, she will be well remembered for her generosity on site always keen to share her plants and crops and quick to help new-comers with her sound advice. She will be greatly missed by all of us.

In September, at the AGM, a new Committee was voted in and we all welcome the election of Kairi Bregadze as our new Chair. A full list of Committee members can be found on the last page of this newsletter. Please remember that the Committee is made up entirely of volunteers, people who freely give up their time in order for all of us to enjoy the benefits of working our allotments; it is not their ‘job’ to police the site. If you are experiencing any problems please do come forward and discuss them with any one of our Committee members and we will make effort to help you resolve your issues.

Over the last year a number of landscaping changes were made on site and a huge effort
was made, mostly by Peter Simpson, Tom McGovern and Miguel Espenica to keep the
communal areas clear of rubbish. Please make every effort to maintain the site in good
order – we cannot and should not expect other people to clear up our rubbish. At the end of last year the Committee received Peter Simpson’s resignation from his position as  trustee and notice that he was giving up his plot. Peter has worked tirelessly for many years, in maintaining the site and our machinery; not just on site but behind the scenes, dealing with Thames Water, neighbours complaints, the squatters in the British Legion … the list is endless. Peter will be sorely missed and we all wish him every success in his full retirement.

As agreed at last year’s AGM there will be NO increase in rents this year. Rent is set at £8.45 per pole and water at £2.30 per pole. Compulsory Society Membership per tenant also remains at £10 per year.

Plot Charges:
10 poles will be £107.50 ground rent/water + £10 membership = £117.50
5 poles will be £53.75 ground rent/water + £10 membership = £63.75
Rent can be paid by cheque, cash or by direct bank transfer (BACS). Our bank details will be on the invoices for those wishing to make direct payment. If you prefer to pay by cheque or cash then Jane Healy (the Treasurer) will be in the Site Office every Sunday from 8th April 2018 through to 29th April 2018 from mid-day until 2.00 pm. If you miss her in the Site Office then you can catch up with her on her plots on P-field. Plot charges must be paid in full by 14th May 2018, failure to pay your rent will be treated as self-termination.

Last year we requested that, following advice from the Police and Fire Services, everyone
number their plots. A few members have done this but the vast majority of plots remain
unidentified. Please would you all make every effort to comply with this request this year.

Please be reminded that the site is not a playground. Everyone is happy to see children on site, but they must be accompanied at all times, and must not go onto other plots, or into sheds. Games which involve running around the fields are not permitted – please use the playing fields next to P field for this sort of play. Failure to control children may lead to an official warning about the plot holder’s tenancy.

Following an incident on site last year, when one dog bit a plot holder, the Committee
reminds all plot holders that their pets must be kept under strict control if they are bought on
site. If your pet becomes a nuisance or a danger to others on site then your pet will be
banned from the site.

Last year we made a special request that all gas canisters be removed from site, as
instructed by the Fire Services. During the winter a large shed was burned to the ground,
inside the shed was a large gas canister. Please be advised that all gas canisters must be
removed from your sheds and failure to comply with this instruction will result in termination of your lease.

Please be aware that the Committee have received a number of complaints about large
parties being held on plots, with a number of strangers wondering around both fields. It is understandable that on a nice summer day (yes we do have them!) people would like to share their good fortune in having a plot and invite friends to join them. Nobody is
complaining about that – the complaint is about strangers wondering around the site,
unaccompanied, children running over plots and damaging crops. Please behave
responsibly on site, and see that any guests you have invited also behave respectfully
towards other plot holders.

Gates: Please remember to lock the gates after you at all times – gates should not be left open for friends who may be coming along later.

In the case of an emergency you will need to be able to give our full address to any of the Emergency Services so please make a note of our address and postcode and have it
somewhere handy:
Legion Way, North Finchley London N12 0QF



As most of you know, we do have a Website
and a Facebook page

If these links don’t work, please copy and paste them into your browser, the addresses are correct).
All members are encouraged to check the Website for regular updates and if you are on
Facebook then please join us. The Facebook page is just a fun way of sharing photographs and site news, and of course, you can join the group without having to commit to any intrusion into your personal life.
The Website has a useful article about harvesting rainwater and how to water sparingly
without damaging your crops and all members are advised to read it – let’s make 2018 the year we REDUCE our ever-increasing water bill!

All members are reminded that you may borrow any of the equipment in the Trading Hut for the purpose of maintaining your plot. No charge is made but we do ask that if you are borrowing our equipment you take a couple of minutes to mow all the paths around your plot, remembering that all plot holders are responsible for maintaining their own Southern footpath. If you would like to borrow equipment please contact the NFAS by e-mail at   (to pre-book) or look for any of the following members who have keys to the Trading Hut:

E Field:
Lee Chesters (E97a, E95b)
Miguel Espenica (E32, E33)
P Field:
Jane Healy (P54, P55)
Pamela Marre (P23a)
Graham Street (P19)

Chair: Kairi Bregadze
Treasurer: Jane Healy
Secretary: Pamela Marre

Members on E Field:
Lee Chesters
Roddy Stylianou
Andrulla Stylianou
Lucas Loizou
Michael Charambolous
Miguel Espenica

Members on P Field:
Tom McGovern
John O’Reilly
Graham Street
Petra Stelbaska
Derrick Carty
Tessa Campos