Glebelands Allotments

the home of North Finchley Allotment Society

April 2014 Newsletter



Despite the bad weather a lot of work has been done on the site over the winter. The new locks have been purchased and fitted and we are awaiting estimates for heavy metal mesh (with larger access holes for getting to the locks and bolts) to be fitted on the gates.

Shortly before the winter storms we brought in contractors to fell the two very large unsafe trees on P Field. Wind damage to the rest of our trees was not as bad as it might have been and we have cleared the damaged trees ourselves.

We have installed some CCTV on site and recordings were used in the successful prosecution of thieves who stole machines from E Field. If you see intruders on site or need to report thefts or vandalism please call the police – for a real emergency dial 999, for anything non-urgent call their 101 number

We have worked with groups of young people from the Challenge Network to repair paths and install decorative planting. We hope to bring them back to work a ‘project plot’ over the summer.

We have carried out a number of fence repairs but the west side of P Field remains open because the rugby club has not replaced their fence, despite reminders from us and the council. However, although the council have not yet supplied fencing materials for the west side of E Field we have decided to obtain estimates from local contractors for the first stage of the work, using materials we have salvaged from the site. Fencing is expensive – between £50 and £100 per metre – and we will need to get work parties of members together to clear the fence line.

A large quantity of reclaimed timber has been donated to Society. Some of this is reserved for path and raised bed building but details of what will be made available for members’ use (a small charge will be made) will be posted on the gates.

The water was turned on at the beginning of the month. Please report any leaks you find, dripping taps etc. Please use water prudently, don’t leave hoses running and turn off taps after use.

We have been unable to get any ‘council compost’ for a spring delivery. The next delivery is booked for 11 July.



At the end of the financial year we had approximately £5000 in the Society’s Cooperative Society Bank account. Our water, electricity, insurance and Trading Hut stock and contractors’ bills had all been paid, and our machinery serviced, fuelled and in good order. As we explained at last year’s AGM, with a 38 year lease from the council we have to put the Society onto a sound financial footing and plan for the longer term. Building our cash reserves is an important part of this process and we must have money in bank to both secure the site against unforeseen events and invest in the site infrastructure (fences, roadways etc).



The network of paths is slowly being reinstated. Please help by topping up the wood chip on the paths around your plot, respecting the path markers and keeping the grass paths cut and clear of rubbish. A Health and Safety inspection will be carried out in June and you will be notified of any problems we find on your plots.

We continue to clear accumulated rubbish and hazardous materials such as glass and metal. Thanks to those members who have pitched in to help and lent us transport and assisted us to help build more secure storage for the Trading Hut.

Please remember that you are expected to take part and do your bit to keep the site clean and tidy. A couple of hours a month of your time isn’t much to ask and we all see the benefit – and if you don’t bring rubbish on site, you won’t be asked to remove it. Keep your plot clear, tidy and reasonably weed free – the site rules require you to keep your plot under cultivation and failure your cultivate may result in the termination of your tenancy.

We are working with a number of plot holders to extend and develop the wild life zones and corridors and the bee keeping areas, and to establish a communal orchard in newly-cleared derelict land on P Field.



In addition to the council by-laws, our site has rules on the setting of fires on individual plot. During the recent period of high air pollution levels in London we have had to extinguish a number of fires on plots. In one case we received a warning from Environmental Health about smoke nuisance – a warning that could be followed by prosecution if the nuisance is repeated. PLEASE DO NOT SET FIRES ON YOUR PLOT – we have well-marked communal bonfire areas where we can burn safely and without creating a nuisance.



Rents were due on 1 April (details have been posted on the gates for several months). Please ensure that you have paid your rent by 10 May 2014 – failure to do so may result in your tenancy being terminated.



The shop is open 10.30 – 12.00 on Saturdays and Sundays and we have stocks of compost, grow bags, fertilizer, canes etc on sale.  Click here for a list of stock and prices

PLEASE LET US KNOW IF THERE IS ANYTHING YOU WOULD LIKE US TO ORDER FOR YOU. Our suppliers stock a wide range of gardening items and deliver to the Trading Hut.



Thanks to Carol for organizing the March trip to the Edible Garden Show at Ally Pally. We hope to hold more members’ events over the summer.



If you would like to discuss any questions you may have or problems that have come up on the site please contact a member of the committee (Gill and Peter are usually on site at various times throughout the week all year round) and we’ll do our best to sort things out for you quickly and informally. You can also come along to the open sessions for members at the conclusion of our monthly committee meetings – simply come along to the Hut at 12.00 noon (our next meeting will be on 4 May); or you can call the mobile number 07582966163  and leave us a message, or email us via this form or at   and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.