Glebelands Allotments

the home of North Finchley Allotment Society

Working Party 30 June

Dear plot-holder,

Please come along to the first of our regular working parties from 10:30 – 12:30 on Sunday 30 June. We will meet at the Trading Hut from 10:00 to decide who does what. Please bring gloves and boots.  
The working parties will be held on the last Sunday of each month. Please do come to support us, even if it’s for an hour, and show your commitment to self-management. There’s lots to do!
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning.
Best wishes,
The NFAS committee



The Society has received a draft lease from the council and the Committee is working with officers to resolve a number of points on the contents. In particular, we are seeking assistance from the council on the re-building/repairing of the damaged/missing sections of the perimeter fencing. We are hoping to have the lease signed off, and for the Society to take over site management, by the beginning of August. 

Tenancy transfers are almost complete and the majority of members have made payments towards this year’s charges. A few plots have been given up or abandoned but most of these are in very poor condition and will require considerable work before they can be brought back into cultivation and re-let to new applicants from our waiting list. A number of existing members have also opted to move within the site and/or down-size and the Committee has given priority to arranging these re-locations. 

THE 2013 AGM

Given that the council has been unable to make the transition to self-management to meet the original timetable (ie. by April 2013), the Committee has decided to hold the AGM this year as soon as is practical after the lease has been signed. Details of the date and venue will be posted on the gates and the notice board 3 weeks in advance.

Meanwhile, if you would like to discuss any issues about the site and the self-management project the Committee continues to run open sessions for members at the conclusion of its monthly meetings. Simply come along to the Hut at 12.00 noon – next meeting will be on Sunday 7 July.