Glebelands Allotments

the home of North Finchley Allotment Society

Improved access for Emergency Services

Volunteer plotholders have recently completed an exercise to widen the corners at two locations on the E-field roadway in order to allow better access for emergency vehicles.  At one location this meant substantially raising the ground level and then re-enforcing it with a hardcore base and a concrete topping – no small task! The need for this work was highlighted last winter when, in the early hours one morning, an attending fire engine had difficulty negotiating these bends to deal with a fire.
In all, the work took over a month to complete but it means that our site now enjoys an upgraded roadway system allowing speedier response to emergency situations. We would like to thank Mick Cawley for arranging the loan of an electric concrete mixer (at no cost to the Society) and to those volunteers who helped, especially Peter Simpson and Peter Ryall.