Glebelands Allotments

the home of North Finchley Allotment Society


This year’s AGM will be held on Sunday 29 June at 10.45 am  in the Model Railway Club (just across from the Trading Hut).

Please make every effort to attend your Annual General Meeting – this meeting is important for the future of the site.

The meeting will run to around 12.00. Tea and coffee will be available after the meeting in the Trading Hut

The final AGM agenda and papers will be emailed and also available for collection from the Trading Hut from 18 June. If you would like to propose an item for the agenda please ensure that you provide the Secretary, Alice Dickens, with the details and any accompanying papers by 15 June. You can email her via   Contacts   or drop the papers in the new post box at the Trading Hut. Please ensure that you include your full contact details.

Committee elections will also take place at the meeting. A list of nominated candidates will be included with the AGM papers. If you would like to nominate someone for election to the Committee and/or to one of the officer roles, please pick up nomination forms from the Trading Hut and complete and return them to the Secretary.



1. Chair’s introduction and outline of business to be conducted

2. Minutes of the 2013 AGM and NFAS accounts 2013/14

3. Chair’s report

4. Treasurer’s report

5. 2014/15 Business Plan

6. Elections

7. AOB