Glebelands Allotments

the home of North Finchley Allotment Society

April News – our new Community Plot

The Committee are pleased to announce that we now have a ‘Community Plot’ on P-Field. It is located at Plot P8, at the top end of P Field on the path leading directly from the car park.

The Community Plot has a number of raised beds of different sizes, a small fruit cage and a large greenhouse. Beds may be rented from between £5 – £10 a year and are reserved for people who have little or no experience of gardening (but are keen to learn) or who cannot work a larger plot due to a disability.

The plot is surrounded by friendly and experienced gardeners who are always happy to give sound advice.  Like all our members the people on the Community Plot will be responsible for keeping the plot tidy and its general maintenance, like cutting the grass.

Community Plot

It has been decided that anyone on P-field who doesn’t have a greenhouse on their own plot may use an area in the communal greenhouse – on the proviso that they don’t take it over! To avoid cases of mistaken identity, all pots and beds should be clearly labelled with the plot holder’s name or initials (and if they have one, the number of their other plot).

This is an exciting project and we really hope we can all work together to make it a great success.