Glebelands Allotments

the home of North Finchley Allotment Society


About us

A bit of history 

At the moment we don’t know very much about the early history of our site, but we think that it was operating during WW2 and we have been told that it was a popular and well-used site until the early 1990s. Around this time demand for allotments had fallen and with occupation decreasing the site was seriously neglected and underused. Council resources to support allotments were minimal and by the early 2000’s our site was in danger of closure. It was at this point that a group of plot holders decided that some collective action was needed to regenerate the site as a community amenity. Happily, this initiative coincided with a wider revival of interest in allotment gardening and ‘growing your own’.

Green shoots 

We started by building up a group of allotment society members who were happy to do some of the dirty work – rubbish clearing, for example – to improve the appearance of the site. Members also approached local companies for help with the loan of machinery and equipment so that we could clear derelict land to open up more plots. We also entered into a partnership with the London Probation Service to bring Community Payback teams on site to help us build paths and renovate our two Trading Huts, install toilets and refurbish the car parks. We encouraged and supported new plot holders and gradually increased occupation.

Clearance work in progress - JCB and dumper truckClearance work in progress - loadnig skipRepairing the roofUnblocking a drain

.. and now the future is in our hands!

All this work was managed and/or carried out by small groups of volunteers and we are very grateful to the members who put so much time and effort into saving our site. Our efforts have paid off because Glebelands, along with Barnet’s 30+ other sites, moved in July 2013 from being a ‘direct let’ site (with plot holders paying rent and other charges to the council) to being self-managed.

NFAS Committee and Councillor Anne Hutton celebrate the signing of our lease

LB Barnet Councillor Anne Hutton joins the first NFAS Committee to celebrate the signing of our lease in 2013.

Since then, all the committees that have followed  have been wholly dedicated to making Glebelands a welcoming and well-run place for everyone who wants to make a go of allotment gardening.

NFAS is responsible for all regular maintenance and improvement work on site. This means that all members are required to do their bit to keep the site in good order and contribute something to our working party days (clearing rubbish, strimming paths or tidying up the woodchip pile) – this is now a mandatory 3 hours a year per plot holder or an increase of £50 on the annual rent which, for those who are short of time,  is  another way to contribute to the general maintenance as their financial contribution will be translated into paying for an external contractor to carry out the outstanding left over maintenance jobs.
Working parties are held regularly : currently always the last weekend of every month between March and October included, from 10am to 1pm!  for a total of 8 work parties a year for each field.
Exact calendar  dates will be emailed directly to plot holders, posted on the site gates and published in the quarterly Newsletter and on the NEWS page of this website. Reminders  will also be posted on the Glebelands WhatsApp group, and on the Glebelands FB page. 
Refreshments will be provided after each work party and there will be an opportunity to meet new plot holders or chat to old friends… 