Glebelands Allotments

the home of North Finchley Allotment Society

Newsletter for September 2017


On September 17th we held our Annual General Meeting, once again in the Model Engineering Club.

The Treasurer reported that we have now achieved our agreed level of Emergency Funds (recommended by BAF) and that the society was generally in a good financial position. For the second year running there will be no increase in the rent. The Treasurer assured everyone that normal business practices governed the way the societies funds were managed and invited anyone with any concerns to read the reports, provided every month along with supporting bank statements, on display in the site office. She did report that once again there is concern about rising water charges and asked that everyone take responsibility for our water consumption.

The Committee’s Report highlighted the need for everyone on site to work together. We are a self-managed site and it is our collective responsibility to make sure that the site runs smoothly, and members must not expect a very small group of people to take on all the challenges that running the site presents.  Special thanks were given to Tom McGovern and Peter Simpson  for their continued efforts to maintain the site. Through their efforts four new 5-pole plots were created on P-Field this year and all plots were quickly allocated.

All plots on P-field are now let and one will become available on E-field after some preliminary clearing has taken place

Members were reminded that there must be no beds kept in sheds and that this directive has come from the Fire Services and the Metropolitan Police. The Committee will be changing the wording in our Rules to include this.

The newly elected Committee were voted in at the meeting. Please see the list below and make every effort to get to know your Committee members –  and remember the Committee works on your behalf to ensure the continuing viability of the site.

Chairperson: Kairi Bregadze

Treasurer: Jane Healy

Membership Secretary: Megan Walsh (P-field) and Roddy Stylianou (E-field)

Committee Members: Derrick Carty, Michael Charamboulous, Lucas Loizou, Graham Street, Androulla Stylianou, Lee Chesters, Miguel Espenica, Peter James, Tom McGovern, John O’Riley.

Following the election of the new Committee lively debates took place covering a number of interesting topics. A number of people mentioned an increase of petty theft of crops and how to deter this.

Concern was raised over the number of barbecues on site, which involved non-members of the society wandering around the site, car-parking spaces being occupied etc. Whilst it was agreed that no-one wanted to deprive people of holding a party on site this should be done within reason and all members are reminded that plots are primarily for growing crops and not holding large social events.

Everyone was reminded that the toilet facilities on site are for the benefit of everyone and should be left in the same condition that you would expect in your own home.

We do now have quite a long Waiting List and all members who do not attend their plots regularly will be asked to either downsize or give up their plots completely.

A few rents are still outstanding and the Treasurer asks that anyone owing fees for 2017/18 pay as soon as possible, otherwise their Lease is in jeopardy.

Finally , a reminder that the water will be turned off, as usual, on the 1st of October.