Glebelands Allotments

the home of North Finchley Allotment Society

May News 2017

Hello everyone.  It’s been lovely to see so many people back on site after the winter break.  Please remember, if you have not paid your rent yet, it was due (in full) by 10th May.  If yours is still outstanding you will be receiving reminders shortly.

The Committee would like to remind all parents that whilst children are always welcome, the allotment site is not a playground.  We have received a number of complaints about children running onto plots, crashing into crops and damaging frames built for crops to climb up. Nor is the site a safe place for play. Despite great efforts to clean it up in recent years some hazards, like broken glass or sharp metal objects, may remain –  sometimes hidden in long grass or undergrowth.

Perhaps even more worrying are the recent sightings of syringes.  The police have been informed. Please tell your children not to pick these up if they see any, but to tell you about them so you can report it to a member of the committee.

Site maintenance:  Work has been done recently to repair leaks, strim paths, clear vacant plots and remove rubbish from all parts of the site.  Three large van loads of assorted plastic, carpet, glass, metal and other materials  were taking to the recycling centre.  Following a cull of diseased, overgrown and ‘gifted’ (by the squirrels) trees on P-field we hired a JCB for a day to clear out the stumps and help dig out old carpets and rubble buried just below the surface. Thanks for their help with these activities to Peter Simpson, Tom McGovern, Peter Simpson, Miguel Espenica, Lee Chesters, and Peter James.


Tree stump clearing May '17

All plot plotholders are reminded that you are responsible for taking away your own rubbish, and also that glass and carpet are now prohibited on site. If you wish to put down a barrier to prevent weeds growing then please use a geotextile weed control material like Terram (available in the trading hut).

Terram weed cover fabric

Committee news:  Sadly, Alice Dickens has had to resign as NFAS Chair due to other commitments. The committee would like to record their thanks to Alice for her dedication and support over the past few years. The committee also welcomes Megan Walsh who kindly volunteered (and has been co-opted) to provide admin support while Pamela Marre is away for an extended period.

Tip of the month: Marigolds are a great companion for tomatoes, apparently they repel root-knot nematodes, tomato worm, whitefly and greenfly.  Why not try growing a few pots full of marigolds next to your tomatoes this year, and telling us about your results via our Facebook site ?


Marigolds & Tomatoes