Glebelands Allotments

the home of North Finchley Allotment Society

Charity fundraising event next Saturday, 13 September

SunflowerThere will be an informalĀ  gatheringĀ  of NFAS Members next Saturday morning, 13th September, between 11:00am and 1:00pm in the Orchard on P field. This is being held in memory of Simon Thorne’s partner Caroline who sadly passed away recently, at a very young age.

Raffle tickets will be on sale during this week and on the day, and all funds raised will go to help Simon set up a charitable organisation that will help people suffering from speech or hearing difficulties to communicate with agencies or loved ones at times of special need. Caroline was very skilled in sign language and ultimately could only communicate by signing when speech became lost to her.

At the gathering on Saturday Simon and Caroline’s children will draw the winning raffle tickets and hand out the prizes.

There will be nibbles and soft drinks provided at the beginning, followed by a phoned order for delivered pizzas once we know numbers attending.

Please give generously to this very deserving cause, and do come along on Saturday morning if you can – and please tell your allotment neighbours about it case they have missed the notices.